Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cyclical Wheel of Grief

For those that have lost loved ones, you will understand this. I have a picture of my dad in our bedroom. He died over 13 years ago. I glanced at it the other night and it brought back a wave of internal grief that was exhibited in a long, deliberate sigh.

I deal with death, regularly, as a hospice chaplain. It never ceases to amaze me how the memories, pictures, smells, scenes, and many other things can trigger grief. It used to be taught that the five stages of grief was linear; that you go through the stages and then that's it. It is, in fact, cyclical where it is never ending and can jump from stage 1 to 5 to 3 to 1 to 4 and back to 2, etc. I find myself still jumping around these stages 13 years later and will for the rest of my life.

I still miss my dad.
God is enough.
I will see dad, again, in heaven.

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