Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hasta Manna

No, you're not reading a misprint. I meant to say "Hasta Manna". Today marked 6 Sundays since leaving the pastorate and the Lord continues to teach me new things. One day this week I was talking to a former pastoral colleague who reminded me of God's provision to the Israelites in Exodus 16. God rained down manna (bread) from heaven to meet the Israelites daily need. The Israelites were to gather what they needed for that day and no more. God provided for them daily the manna from heaven.

I have had that experience lately, that is, God providing for me and my family. As we stepped out in faith to what God had led us to do, we knew that there would be some challenges. As we have come face-to-face to these challenges, we have seen God provide manna to rain down on us and meet the need right on time; not a moment too soon and not a moment too late.

The spanish word "hasta" means "until". God calls each of us to be faithful until He takes takes us home to be with Him. It doesn't mean to be faithful until times get tough. It doesn't mean to be faithful until we get tired or worn out. It doesn't mean to be faithful until God seems silent and we attempt in our own strength. We are to be faithful until God calls us home. God will provide the manna we need to make it through this life if we are faithful and obedient to His will for our life.

Living on manna means being faithful to God knowing that He knows what you need and when you need it. Living on manna is exciting because sometimes you may not know, literally, where your next meal may come from or how you will pay all your bills this month or how you will make it through the week. When God rains manna down on you, you will leap and rejoice because you realize He loves you so much to leave you in the wilderness to starve and die. What God has planned for you, He will see you through it and provide all that you need to complete His will for you.

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