Monday, June 25, 2012

Funeral Plans?

Having worked as a hospice chaplain for the past 5 1/2 months, I have come to meet many different kinds of people. There have been some really interesting people and there have also been some people that made you wonder "What in the world?"

Regardless of the type of person I've met, I have learned a few things in this journey of ministering to hospice patients and their families.
  • Live with no regrets - it seems as though some people (not all) come to the end of their life with some regrets. Live each day to the fullest and make memories that will live last long past your exit from this earth.
  • Make the most of every opportunity - some moments only come by once in a blue moon, seize it and take the bull by the horns.
  • Cherish each moment - never let a day go by without telling your family that you love them. Never go to bed angry. Smile. And always say "thank you".
  • Plan your funeral - this may sound morbid, but if you haven't planned for your funeral, then somebody else (perhaps a grieving family member) is going to have to do it. If you plan your own funeral, then you can have some fun "surprises" for everyone to laugh about and make more memories for people to remember at your funeral.
  • Make peace - with your family, friend, and ultimately, with God. Some patients linger until that final loved one makes it in from out-of-town to tell them it's okay for them to leave. If we know God, then death is something we should not fear, but embrace for soon you will be face-to-face with Him.
These are just a few thoughts I've come up with reflecting over the past 5 1/2 months. I hope you will think about them and apply some or all of them even if your as healthy as a horse. Don't wait until the final moments of your life to do any of these. Start now.