Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter - An ordinary day?

Today marked the first Easter in 14 years that I did not have any responsibilities as a pastor. It was quite interesting to sit back and do nothing "pastoral" and worship with the crowd. At first, I thought that it was going to be one of our "new" ordinary days as a family (post-pastorate) going to church together and having a wonderful meal at home or some fancy restaurant. Today turned out to be an exception.

Karen volunteers one Sunday a month, along with several from The Bridge Church, to make lunch and serve it at the Mooresville Soup Kitchen. Today was the day for our church to go to the soup kitchen. While Karen, in her college days, would go to a soup kitchen in Cincinnati and serve others in this capacity, I had never done it before.  I must admit, I wasn't too thrilled about our family being "separated" during the Easter Sunday Service worshiping in two different venues at the same time.

I am so thankful for the grace of our Lord Jesus that He so freely gives us when we don't deserve it. This morning before Karen left for the soup kitchen, I had a "moment". I define a "moment" where all my emotions came out in liquid form: tears. I was experiencing some sorrow, some mixed emotions, and even some anger and resentment along with wallowing in some self-pity. When you package all of those together, I was somewhat of a mess.

Karen left and I began getting ready for church. I had my Panora playing some Easter music while in the bathroom. God came in and showered me with His grace while shaving and brushing my teeth and showed me that this was no ordinary day. It was a day that would be remembered for generations to come until God comes back for us. It was a day that reminds me that His power reigns over death. It was a day that reminds us that Jesus humbled Himself to the point of death - submission to His Father's plan. And that plan involved a resurrection.

  • Without the resurrection, there would be no Easter.
  • Without the resurrection, there would be no reason to want to serve others at a soup kitchen.
  • Without the resurrection, there would be no hope of seeing loved ones in heaven who've gone on before us.
  • Without the resurrection, there would be no reason to crucify self and live for the One who made it possible to be able to put to death the old carnal nature and live in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Without the resurrection, there would be no forgiveness.
  • Without the resurrection, there would be no sacrifice and atonement once for all.
Without the resurrection, today would be just an ordinary day.

Thank you, God, for reminding this mess what you did for me on this day long ago. You died for my sins and rose again on the third day. When You died and rose from the grave, You made it possible for all who believe in You to have everlasting life. Thank you that this day is about You and not me. It's all about You, O God, it's all about You.